Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Something I Want to Share

I would like to share a personal experience with you in regarding virtual cultures.

My housemate is... to say the least a bit of a computer nerd. He tends to spend much of his time in what seems to be isolation, in his room with the door closed, enjoying the online realm in all it's glory.

Over the past 16 months or thereabouts, he has been 'dating' this young lady from North America, whom he has never seen face-to-face... they met during an online gaming session and, don't ask me how, but the sparks began to fly from there.

Although I have given him enormous amounts of taunting for only being able to find a girlfriend on the other side of the world, she moved to Australia in the last week, and I have begun to really understand the full potential for online communities to spark relationships that were originally limited by geographic location. The two of them are very happy together, and perhaps in an idealistic sense, seem to go together perfectly!

The question is - what were we missing out on before the creation of online communities?! And if this is where we are now, where are we heading?!

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